bank protection is a very important part of overall river stabilization to protect life and property

DURABLE bank protection  

Govaplast Technic offers a complete insert system existing of sheets and piles.

Developped to strengthen banks and protect riversides and  pond edges from erosion.

an ECOLOGICALLY and maintenance FREE system

A bank protection or retaining wall is a vertical soil barrier reventing the river bank, shore or pond edge from collapsing. The bank is protected by retaining sheets creating a barrier toghether with piles giving the construction its stability.

Solid and durable

The sheets are profiled as sheet piling making them stronger than a flat retaining construction.

The sheets are inserted with an interlock connection enabling a controlled shrinking and expansion of the plastic, reducing the strain on the construction to 0 in case of temperature fluctuations.

The posts fixng the retaining sheets are made of pine wood and the upper part (1 meter) is covered with recycling plastic. The posts are solid and can not rot as they are not in contact with oxygen. The bank protection elements do not harm the environment, water or soil. Moreover the seperate parts are recyclable again.


  • Quartz Brown
  • Ural Black

    100% plastic waste

    Sunlight (UV) resistant




Heights 40, 60, 80 or 100 cm

Width (without tongue) 140 cm

Thickness 1 cm

Length 200, 250, 300 of 350 cm
Diameter  80 mm