Any well-designed space, be it a city park or a pedestrian boulevard, is planned with an eye for detail. Some projects benefit from a pastoral atmosphere, while other locations need a contemporary design to realise their full potential. The Canvas 30°, a curved bench by Govaplast made from recycled plastic, is a modern bench with a cheerful touch. You can combine different Canvas benches to create a (half) circle or a snake formation, and add that little extra to the public space. Each individual bench has a 30 degrees’ curve and is available in four stylish colours. 

  • Sand Beige
  • Mineral Grey
  • Quartz Brown
  • Ural Black



Canvas 30: 193 x 49 x 45 cm

Canvas Curve: 367 x 85 x 45 cm

Canvas Spline: 365 x 56 x 45 cm

Canvas Arc: 362 x 85 x 45 cm


Anchorage on hard surface.